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What You Need To Know Before Buying a Wine Fridge
Are you a lover of wine and thinking about buying a wine fridge, but have no idea about them...here's a short crash course before you start shopping around.
Here are some frequently asked questions about wine fridges:
Why do I need a wine fridge?
There are many reasons why a wine fridge may be a great purchase for your home, such as you may be a wine collector, host dinner parties or simply enjoy and love wine. Regardless, one should consider the importance of a wine fridge.
Wine is a luxury good, and it is very common to see wine stored incorrectly and unfortunately this impacts the true flavour of the wine.
Can’t I just use my kitchen fridge at home?
There are several reasons why your kitchen fridge should not store wine. Your regular fridge at home is built to completely remove humidity levels, whereas premium quality wine fridges aim to retain humidity and temperature at the right level to help assist with the ageing process and improve taste over time.
The purpose of a wine fridge is to store bottles at an optimal temperature, which is essential to allowing the ageing process to successfully take place. This ageing process takes time and is important to improve overall taste. A wine fridge/cooler will even keep opened bottles drinkable over a longer period of time, which means we can enjoy our wine long after we open the bottle.
What is the best temperature for my wine?
Typically for red and white wine, the optimal temperature should be 12.7 degrees (55 F). This is debated as the closest to perfect temperature for wine. However, anywhere between 7 to 18 degrees (45-65 F) can also provide a great environment for your wine to thrive.
How long do wine fridges last?
The upkeep of a wine fridge is minimal, given the quality of the product. Life expectancy is 5-10 years with a premium quality wine fridge. High quality wine fridges are designed to be energy efficient, which is environmentally friendly and lowers your electricity bill. Win win!
Are they noisy?
Some wine fridges can emit a sound that can permeate through the house. A high quality and well-designed fridge generally should keep noise to a minimum. This may be important to consider depending on one’s individual sensitivity to noise. It is good to note the difference between large commercial wine fridges (seen in restaurants and hotels) and wine fridges designed for indoor environments, as they usually include high quality fan systems to reduce noise levels to suit a home setting.
You can always refer to the noise level specifications, which is usually stated in the product descriptions when you are shopping around.
Should I buy a small or large wine fridge?
This all depends on your level of wine consumption and frequency. Consider the amount of wine bottles you may have in your collection and also, how you might want to present your bottles. For example, some people like wine cellars, which can be built into your home and wine fridges contain bottles at a consistent temperature over time. The size of a wine fridge can also depend on the location you want to place your wine fridge, as well as the size of this space.
Where can I put my wine fridge?
Your wine fridge doesn't necessarily have to be in your kitchen, it can also be in a space where you might want to display your wine collection, such as a dining or entertainment space.
As long as your desired space has access to sufficient electricity ports, your wine fridge is safe anywhere you would like it.
Depending on the available space in your home, many premium wine fridges allow you to store them in convenient areas, such as under the bench. This allows you to keep your home modern with sleek and stylish designs.
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